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Ayurveda is a holistic scientific system of medicine developed through ancient wisdom, clinical experiences and experimentation. Evidences of clinical experiences for centuries exist in various classical texts and compendia of Ayurveda. However, one of the key challenges facing by the AYUSH systems including Ayurveda is generating scientific evidence on quality-based data, safety and efficacy of formulations/therapies and other interventions including basic principles. Evidence based scientific research exists in ayurveda in the form of various pramanas and institute intends to bring the pramana based researched evidences into reality. The institute also intends to bridge the gap between ancient wisdom and modern evidence based science to serve  the needy in a better way.

The National health Policy 2017 of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, National Health Policy on AYUSH 2002 emphasizes on mainstreaming of AYUSH in the population rather than making AYUSH a adjuvant therapy. Even NATIONAL HEALTH POLICY 2017 has given an evidence based approach to AYUSH system of medicine in a priority manner and validated the therapy and drugs in chronic and life style related diseases. The 2017 NATIONAL HEALTH POLICY emphasizes on research and development in AYUSH system to make it available to common man, specially in the primary health care delivery system.

Being an innovative, STATE OF ART, premier Ayurveda research centre model in Karnataka with the aim of pioneering in research for the development and promotion of ayurveda in a holistic way and to achieve the dream of HEALTH FOR ALL . The research policy of  KSARC is aimed to encourage the budding scholars of Ayurveda to  formulate, submit and execute research projects and to generate quality data for scientific validation of Ayurvedic drugs ,therapies for safety and efficacy and also to validate some of the important concepts of ayurveda especially in Samhitha and siddhantha. This institute also aims to develop a supportive model which popularizes outcome of all projects in a way that is available to mankind  ie by documentation, publication and  by making it to  reach their door step through various IEC activities. It also intends to develop an integrated model for secondary and tertiary care thus serving the mankind in a sustainable way. In a nutshell it is designed to carryout the scientific research and to show the world the usefulness of Ayurveda and unearth the treasures of Ayurveda to the scientific world with full proof validation which is repeatable in character and acceptable to the community.

The projects of this institute are taken up considering the views from the NATIONAL HEALTH POLICY 2017, POLICY OF DEPARTMENT OF AYUSH-GOI, POLICY OF DEPARTMENT OF AYUSH-GOK and directions from DEPARTMENT OF AYUSH time to time. The focus for the projects will be on the needs of the community and directions from the above policies. Preference will also be given to policies of WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, UNICEF and other prestigious institutions of the WORLD.

This institute also requires collaboration with  Internationally reputed Health agencies like WHO,UNICEF ,DANIDA,MILINDA GATES FOUNDATION, National reputed institutes like  -CMR, CSIR,DBT, IISC,IIM,IIT ,DRDO, CFTRI, DFRL and various universities of  India depending upon the lead and directions of  Health policy, need of the state and need of the community to serve efficiently and achieve the goal of HEALTH FOR ALL by 2050. The institute will collaborate with above agencies and obtain the needed technologies and expertise for the research to showcase strength of Ayurveda in a scientific way.

The institute also catering the needs of global interest in ayurveda to collaborate in the field of research in ayurveda and showcase the world the strength of ayurveda in preventive, promotive and curative health . The institute initiates execute/coordinates and forms guidelines for implementation strategy and monitor the research activities in collaboration with foreign institutions. By this approach the concept of mainstreaming of ayurveda globally becomes a reality. The dream of the institute is to cater the leads of stakeholder’s viz; ayurveda industry people, post graduate scholars, PhD scholars, academicians and practitioners. The institute will support the activity of the stakeholders for the upliftment of ayurveda and try to bridge the gap between the ancient wisdom with the modern scientific evidence based ayurveda to show the global scientists the worth of glory of this ancient science, thus giving a boost to the academicians to recognize their skill and expertise and make it acceptable by the world through unbiased systematic, scientific, evidence based approach, that is the need of the hour in scientific research activity.

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