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  • To undertake research on principles and practices of Ayurveda including diet, formulation, dosage forms, drug delivery system, panchakarma procedures, marma therapy, Shalya-Shalakya procedures  and innovative knowledge based studies based on health policy of government of india, health policy of government of Karnataka and health policies of reputed international health organizations and research is based on need of the community and the society.

  • To undertake epidemiological surveys for various purposes like Prakriti, Saarata other health indicators, dietary habits, changing disease patterns etc.

  • To develop scientific assessment tools and parameters suitable to Ayurveda and to develop a standardized protocol based on Ayurvedic principles thus bringing  the glory of ancient wisdom and innovative modern knowledge to a common platform.

  • To conduct research on natural resources for their sustained availability, quality etc.

  • Identifying newer natural resources for purpose of prevention and treatment of various diseases.

  • Clinical Research for safety and efficacy evaluation of Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeial formulations and other Drugs and Approaches in identified diseases/conditions

  • Clinical Research for safety and efficacy evaluation of  traditional; practices and establish a scientific basis for the traditional data base and evaluate its practical utility disseminate the knowledge to the society in a systematic ,scientific research based approach

  • Medico Ethno Botanical Survey across the country

  • To Establish novel methods of analysis for standardization and quality control of single drugs and compound formulations

  • Experimental studies to establish safety profile of Ayurvedic drugs/ formulations

  • Tribal Health Care Research Programme including documentation of Local Health Traditions/ folk claims

  • Retrieval and revival of Ayurvedic texts from ancient manuscripts and publication of journals, monographs, books, technical reports, Information, Education and Communication material (IEC) etc.

  •  To develop scientific assessment tools and parameters for integrative clinical approach for new diseases, drug resistant diseases and to counter the side effects of efficient treatment modalities of allied sciences and to promote the concept of integrative approach of treatment in primary,secondary,tertiary health care delivery system.

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