Vision and Mission
To be a world class Research institute, to promote the concept of Ayurveda in a scientific, systematic, sustainable way and disseminate the outcome to the society, nurture the spirit of holistic health in a integrated way, thus enhancing the knowledge, education, innovation with economic viability, becoming an ambassador for health thus reminding stake holders our purpose and our path – “swasthasya swasthya rakshanam athurasya vikara prashamanam”.
Nurture the spirit of innovation and creativity.
To create a unique learning environment enriched with challenges of health and revive the concept of gurushishya parampara and provide a platform for thadvidya sambhasha, thus framing an environment suitable for anusandhana in ayurveda.
To establish the centre as a centre of excellence for ayurveda in the lines of IISC.
To provide ethical value based scientific systematic research and disseminate the outcome to the society in a holistic way.
To promote the concept of ayurveda according to the needs of the society viz; social, psychological, physical and health needs.
Networking with national, international reputed organizations to promote outcome based research approach in ayurveda.
To establish as a ambassador for ayurveda in innovative practical systematic scientific approach towards research in ayurveda and promote it for betterment of mankind.